
Setting up and editing Smart Routers within CTM. Basic Examples of what smart routers can do and how they should be utilized.


Smart Routers can do a vast variety of actions within CTM, and can be utilized to route every single call for that account, or a very specific subset of calls that come in. However broad, it can be used to route a specific section of calls to a queue, agent, voice menu, voicemail, even another smart router.

New Smart Router

  1. Creating one
    Flow → Smart Routers → ‘New Smart Router” (In upper right corner)

Enter a name and description

  1. Determine Route(s)
    Click “Add Route” in the Routes section

Determine Rules that the route will have to follow

Click “Add Rule” to add another rule for that route (‘And’, ‘Or’ options)


  • If a call falls within/outside a Schedule

  • Route a specific tracking number to a receiving number

  • Route specific tags to a specific route

Choose the “Action” or Route that that call will perform based on the rules established

Click “Add Action” to add something else you want those calls to do (usually used for tagging)


  • Routing a voicemenu/queue based on the schedule

  • Routing to an agent/receiving number 

  • Sending certain calls straight to voicemail

Click on “Add Route” to add another set of rules and routes, and repeat step 2 for every new route you create.

  1. Decide what happens to calls that don’t follow one of the routes described
    The would usually be what you want calls to normally do

Note: When smarting routing calls by schedule, make sure that all schedules/time is accounted for. Meaning you want to route for business hours, but also after-hours/all hours outside of business hours

  1. Assign Tracking Numbers

Click “Edit Assigned Tracking Numbers”

Chose what numbers you want to utilize this smart router

  • Pretty common to select all tracking numbers except for direct lines

  • Using only certain tracking numbers is often for more specific smart routers

  • EX: Adam’s Pest has two smart routers both based on schedules, but has two sets of tracking numbers routing to different places

Schedule Based Smart Router

The majority of smart routers currently route by schedule. There are rules you want to follow when routing this way. First is making sure all time is accounted for

  • EX: two different Routes:

    • Schedule “is within” a certain schedule

    • and also “is not within” that same schedule

  • Then route those two to the appropriate place(EX: ‘within’ Business Hours goes to Main Menu, ‘not within’ Business Hours goes to Voicemail)

  • This guarantees that all 24 hours is routing to a place. 

  • Similarly, also routing by each individual schedule, if you ha multiple schedules

    • Each different Route “is within” a different schedule

  • Then route based one what schedule it’s in (EX: Business Hours goes to Main Menu, After Hours goes to Voicemail)

Note: if done correctly the “If none of the above routes were taken” section is not important, because all schedules and all calls are taken care of, Best Practice is to have a correct route anyway.