Create a New Notification

Reports → Notifications

  • Located under the “Report Settings” section

Click on “New Notification” in the upper right corner of the Notifications page

Enter the “Notification Name” and “Description”

  • Use these to distinguish between similar Notifications

  • EX: a unique notification for every agent

Language = English

Type - This allows you to decide how and when you want to receive the notification for the calls/forms that fit the filtering criteria. The most common

  • After Call - A simple email that gets sent

  • Text Message - receive a text after a certain action

  • Daily/Weekly Digests - This allows you to program a recurring email with all the calls that fit the filtering criteria during that time span

    • Choose Format: HTML, CSV, XLS

    • Insert the date, time, and timezone

    • Decide if you want the Bar graph and if you want to ignore empty emails

Click “Save Changes”


In the "Email Recipients" bar, add the emails for the CSRs you wish to be notified

  • Note: you can start typing in their email or their name and the corresponding emails will appear in the dropdown

The "Advanced" section allows you to add emails addresses as either a 'Cc' or Bcc'

Click "Save Changes

Email Data Field

In the “Email Subject” field, create the title of the email notification

  • Use the dropdowns below for “Activity” and “Contact” to insert important unique data into the heading for each call

    • Activity ID will allow you to search for the call quickly in CTM

    • Type, Contact Name, and Contact Number could also be useful

The Call Field Section should already include most of the data necessary for the notification, such as the necessary “Activity” and “Contact” information

  • Necessary Fields:

    • Activity: Call ID, Date/Time, Tracking Number, Agent, Status, Tracking Source, Receiving Number (close to all of it)

    • Contact: All of it

    • Voice Analysis: Recording

    • Form Data: Form Entry (if notification is based on form submission)

  • Note: Clicking on any of the grey heading sections will move all the data underneath it to the other section

Include External links = OFF


The filter section allows you to select the parameters for when notifications are set up. They can be very specific or broad.

  • Can be based on a singular or several “Rules” allowing notifications to be sent on very specific parameters

  • Using the And/or function allows us to split up or combine several rules


Allows you to insert a call to see if that call properly sends you a notification.

  • Find a call that fits the parameters of what you want the notification to run on (missed call, voicemail, etc.), and paste the Call ID into the search bar.

  • When you find call click Test Filter

  • Check to see if you received the email/text about the call

  • Note: Testing a notification will only send the email to you


Turn “send lead using Auto-lead Data Format/ADD OFF


Shows you what the email/text will look like

Once again choose a call (use a Call ID)

Note: the Notification must be saved before it can be previewed

Note: It will not show you the email heading, just the content, and format within it

Delivery Log

Provides the full history of every time that notification has happened

  • Tells you who it was sent to, for what calls, and when it happene