This article runs through the steps to add a CTM User to an email notification list. It does not run through how to create a notification itself, if you have any questions about adding users to a notification, or creating a notification from scratch, feel free to submit a ticket! 

If you're not sure if you have notifications, follow the steps under "Navigating to Correct Notification" steps below to see a list of all the notifications your account has. Typical notification types are:

  • Missed Call Email Alert
  • Voicemail Notification
  • Inbound Text Message Alert

Navigating to Correct Notification

  • In Left-Hand menu go to "Reports"
  • Under "Report Settings" click on "Notifications"
  • Next to the notification you want to add CSRs to, click Edit

Adding CSR(s) to Notification

  • In the Notification settings page, scroll to the "Recipients" section
  • In the "Email Recipients" bar, add the emails for the CSRs you wish to be notified
    • Note: you can start typing in their email or their name and the corresponding emails will appear in the dropdown
  • The "Advanced" section allows you to add emails addresses as either a 'Cc' or Bcc'
  • Click "Save Changes"